Convention of Statesmen


Health for Health's Sake

I've had reason to stop and consider the general trend of our society to stop and purchase dinner at the drive through rather than preparing and cooking a well-balanced home cooked meal. I am as guilty of this as the next person and I know all the dangers inherent to this type of diet. High cholesterol, high blood pressure, clogged arteries, obesity, diabetes and so on. Seriously, it is so bad for us, as individuals and as society as a whole.

Life is crazy busy. And with the economy tanking it's only become more frenetic as families struggle to save their homes, jobs and way of life. It won't get easier any time soon, regardless of what certain politicians may or may not have promised. But one thing is certain, if we don't stop and take stock of what we are doing to our bodies it will cost us in unimaginable ways. And again, I am as guilty as the next person.

It is far too easy, and far less exhausting, to swing through Wendy's, McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell or any of the other chain restaurants. So what are we to do? What is the solution to this fast food epidemic and mindset which costs far more than the time we are saving?

First Idea: Crockpots. I kid you not. Crockpots can you save in so many ways. I've been collecting cookbooks with recipes specifically created for crockpots. With a little planning, and preparedness beforehand, you can have healthy meals every night. Walk in the door, toss together a quick salad, open a bag of frozen vegetables and toss them on the stove. Within 5 to 10 minutes dinner is on the table and the family is sitting down to a delicious, nutritious meal.

Second Idea: Create a list of dinners you can make and freeze. Make the list of groceries needed to complete the process, along with tinfoil 9x13 pans. Take one Saturday and cook, cook, cook. Chicken Broccoli Cheese casserole, lasagna, shepherd's pie, enchiladas and whatever ele strikes your fancy . . . cook and freeze enough for an entire month of dinners. And that's the last time you have to worry about it for 30 days. It's a great system and again, a quick answer to the fast food epidemic ruling our nation.

Third Idea: Dream Dinners, yeah, I'm a new fan of Dream Dinners. I'm trying to get them to advertise with yourLDSneighborhood, because wow! I love the way these people cook. The readers and customers of all that is the Neighborhood will love this incredible tasting food! The food is delicious, affordable . . . and yes, again, you place your order, they deliver it to your door and slide them right into the freezer. Same system as the second idea but no Saturday spent cooking. 30 Meals in One Day is also a great choice for the same system.

And my last great idea, the Fourth Idea, for saving time and eating healthy is to can your favorite meals like chili beans, stew, soups, spaghetti sauce, etc. I'm picky. I pretty much only like the chili, stew, spaghetti sauce, etc. that I make. So I spend one day a month canning these items. It's a great way to get ahead on our food storage, planning for darker days, as well as creating time saving meals for that busy couple trying to keep their heads above water.

Just try to be wise and think ahead. Not only will you feel better, but you'll save money too. I promise!

Return to the Neighborhood.
Health for Health's Sake Health for Health's Sake Reviewed by Unknown on Monday, December 01, 2008 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. When we landed in the world of food allergies our restaurant options became severly limited. It's turned out to be a great thing and we have never starved. We plan ahead or make do. It's possible. My 97 yr. old grandmother NEVER had eaten fast food until we introduced her to Arby's at the age of 85. It was a block from her home.


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